Chain And Rate

Showing posts with label INFINITESIMALS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label INFINITESIMALS. Show all posts

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Through a most mysterious and permeating influence, one which came like the roaring wind, working class consciousness was all too rapidly expanding into scientific directions. At about the middle of the Nineteenth Century, this far superior phenomenon of power manifested itself throughout the clustered nations of the Northern Hemisphere. Oligarchic rule could neither repel or resist its movements. It was a fiery baptism whoose permeating blasts have long lingered among the impassioned working class. Futuristic dreams and visions flooded into their minds with such force that many did not sleep for days on end. When under the supernatural influence of these visitations, many could not or would not sleep untuil they had completed their designs.

The consciousness, so powerfully shared by the working masses, was one which first amplified consciousness. The first for knowledge and the subsequent creativity which emerged in new and revolutionary directions began impacting the traditional order with deadly force. Social movements of this revolutionary character, movements in mind, suddenly struck the stability of House Order and rocked its foundations across the world. Researching, building, devising, machining, the inventive thrust swept the nations with the lion-like ferocity. Here was and ordained directive to create, one whose social implications yet remain unfathomable. With sudden and uncalculated social leverages, the Sciences and Technologies very quickly destroyed the aristocratic mould whose deliberate and cruel tradition was never otherwise to change or move.

Diligent comparisons made between this period and all those previous in national archives reveal the extent of this social explosion. With its principle actors solely among the working class, the astounding and unforseen emergence of a higher conscious state cultivated a new thematic thrust. Examination of the scholarly Periodicals and Patent Record proves that a remarkable social phenomenon took place shortly before 1850; where the volume of scientific research and inventions suddenly became magnified beyond all bounds. Working class inventors were in shops everywhere, responding to a flood of visionary energy so powerful that those who moved with its powerful surges could scarcely believe the achievements which so liberally poured out their workshops. here was a far superior consciousness on the loose, released in a social group which was never valued as other than a servant class.

The separations existing between caste levels, a fixture extablished by tradition. actually afforded the insulation necessary for the new consciousness to be cultivated and appreciated. Here also, and most curiously, was a permeating power which was not shared by the aristocrats. They seemed incapable of appropriating the new consciousness, however schooled of familiar they or their children became with scientific topic areas. Though available to all, Science and Technology had forever become a segregated gift, an implacable dividing line through which only certain sensitive working class individuals could move.

Science and Technology, the onetime trifling amusement of mercantile aristocrats, was never anticipated by the oligarchy as a potential threat to either their continued security or their power to rule absolutely. But inexplicably, certainly not by their decree, this new flood of consciousness and vision had been unleashed among the social masses. All too suddenly, new and significant tides breaking down the whole rigidified order and structure of the traditional rulership. So complete was this social reorganization that by the end of the last century, a working class revolution in science and technology permeated and dominated the traditional world order without mercy. The mind revolution raised diligent scholars like Michael Faraday and William Crookes from their working class homes into the halls of legend. Recall also that Tesla was working class.

Though Tesla managed to become fabulously wealthy before the age of thirty, and despite his suave and gentlemanly European manner, he was not heir to those same old family privileges as one Marchese Guglielmo Marconi. Despite receptions among the upper class, receptions in which Tesla had unknowingly been cast as intriguing entertainment, he was not as truly welcomed by those seeking bizzare and furtive amusements. In comparison, we consider the aristocra; Guglielmo Marconi, member of a family whose matriarch was English aristocracy. It was perhaps on this basis alone that the elistists "forgave" his Italian aristocratic lineage. It is more clear why these upperclass receptions responded so favorably and persistently to Marconi and not to Tesla?

Technology enters a pre-existent world where various powers have produced their stagnant structure, one designed to promote their rulership and continual supply of wealth. While rising above the populations they use, such powers repress, redirect, and divest the dreams of humanity. No greater earthly power could ever have dissuaded the invisible hands of oligarchic control, until the unforseen change forever established its presence. The sudden appearance of this irresistible antagonist was one whose permeating presence could not be quantified in coin or person. Incapable of being caught and executed, this foe was free to spread its message of liberty to those sensitive enough to receive it. This was an organized anarchy, a disciplined and deliberate movement toward visionary objectives, whose inspiring leader could neither be located or eradicated. Obviously ordained by far superior authority, this was a thematic social movement whose power was successfully codified into a new ethos and mythos. Moreover, it was consciousness uniquely framed for the working classes. It was in their life-style of urgencies, passions, necessities, devotions, and personal sacrifices that this consciousness best blossomed. Those higher castes who attempted its importation were shocked to find them-selves incapable of keeping and cultivated its favors. In later times, oligarchs were forced to have their bureaucracies hire working class minds as advisers.

Whereas aristocratic natural philosophers once toyed with the forces of nature, and spent their days toying with their thoughts on the same, the new revolution produced definitive hardware. Equipped with this new consciousness, and coupled with the inheritance of Old World trade skills, of which they were the devoted custodians, the servant class inventive revolution went forward with no opposition. The ghost walked in its machines. As the New Century came, the new and powerful consciousness swept their world with an indifferent superiority all its own. Here was a victorious conqueror whose spirit remained more unseen then even oligarchs themselves. Power was rapidly refocusing in deeper levels than even the bureaucratic structures made to maintain social rigidity.

A dynamic and thrilling power was suddenly released in and among the working class with no possibility of flow back up into the oligarchic structures. This was a spontaneous generation of power, an undefinable phenomenon to all who could only watch its unhindered progress. This revolution was one whose power was not obtained by usurping the traditional sources. Here was a power derived from a new consciousness alone. In the flood of such new awakenings, new demands were enunciated by the working class. But these demands included neither bureaucracy nor oligarchy at all. Many whose awareness level saw the comparison between former repressive times and their present liberation took the matter further, by annihilating the bureaucracy and ferreting out the oligarchy toward the same ends.